Saturday, April 12, 2014

It Finally Feels Like SPRING!

Today is the first day of more than a week off from school.  A very much needed respite from a long, cold, especially snowy winter.  Its sunny and in the high 50s outside.  The sky is a spectacular blue.  The windows are open, and I can hear birds singing!  Who doesn't love spring?!

Spring provides another chance at renewal.  The reawakening of the trees and the animals inspires me to begin anew too.  Start again to be better... to DO better for myself and my family, for my students... to take care of the things that have gone neglected during winter's cold.

I have been working hard to enrich my classroom with lessons and activities that will motivate my students and invite them to experience learning about science and nature in a meaningful way.  My own motivation ebbs and flows, but in spring I find it easy to toss out the old and begin fresh with new enthusiasm.

Family activities consume much of my time and attention year round with the regular chores, kids' activities, parties, shows, appointments and meetings.  In the spring it's easier for the kids to get me outside with them.  I mind the "mommy taxi" much less when I can roll down the windows and crank up the music.  The sunshine and fresh air make even the mundane seem cheerful.

I feel rejuvenated.  And knowing that there's a week ahead of me without work, with less scheduled routine, moves me to spend more time doing the things I haven't felt the drive to do in several months.  I want to move more, I want to eat healthier foods, I want to get a haircut and a manicure.  I think I'm blooming, too!

Cheers to you, Springtime!  I'm so glad you have finally arrived.

How's the spring making YOU feel?

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